Because of its low threshold a session with me is easily accessible. That’s just how I am. I don’t make things more complicated than they are. Therefore, when you come to me, we begin with a chat. I may then ask a question, e.g. ‘What is the real reason for your visit to me?’ Perhaps you then say, ‘I’m just fed up. ’Then we start philosophizing about the words ‘fed up’. What do they mean, fed up? At some point I might say, ‘stop’, during our conversation. Not because there’s something I don’t want to hear, but in order to slow down the situation. If we can go slower, i.e. postpone, feelings and emotions come to the surface. We then take the time to experience how they feel, how your breathing is, etc.
And when you’re ready, we continue with your story. All in all, we spend about an hour on this intensive experiencing contact, on just what happens in your body when you say something.
After a session, people often don’t have the feeling that they’ve been ‘working’ on their situation, but they do feel more relaxed. That’s what I call low threshold. It can happen that you need to take it more easy the next day. After a session you may feel tired. You may also feel more open. Whichever way, it’s pleasant to come ‘home’ in that altered state.