

“Very simple: Peter was the one who opened that door for me during a session. In that way I could, if need be, open it myself and use the passage for myself and, later, also for others.”


”His simple way of coaching is deceptive, because for me, Peter is one of the most advanced masters in stress regulation in the Netherlands. I recognize it in the results. He has the advantage of having been present as a cameraman during the educational trainings. Just all that collective experience…I experience Peter’s sessions as being immeasurably valuable.”


“On a cold winter day, I arrived in haste and quite stressed at the practice space for my first session with Peter. It surprised me right away that he immediately noticed how hurried I was. He gave me a delicious cup of tea and asked me to sit in the chair across from him. With my shoes off and his feet on mine, we began to talk quietly. Slowly, but surely, I noticed that I became calmer; my breathing became more regular, and I felt a comfortable warmth flow through my body. All sorts of emotions were released during this fine talk, ones I had never expected to expose so quickly. After almost one and a half hours, I felt so relaxed, that I had the feeling I’d fall back into my chair when I stood up. I was a bit dizzy, and my legs felt terribly heavy. It was a special and very valuable experience, which I would advise to everyone. I truly felt reborn!”